Gospel Music Brings Souls to God Not to Entertain part 2

You are welcome back, as I promised this is the part two of the article titled gospel music brings souls to God not to entertain.
Let me start by saying that we have a higher calling as gospel musician and our ministry is spiritual in nature, our calling is not the calling to entertain but to minister to the soul of men and we are sent to the world, but never are we told to compromise with it.
Keith Duncan said in his book The Worship Revolution, “No one is placed on this earth by accident. God has a unique purpose for your life and specific plans for you to accomplish. One of His objectives is to change the atmosphere on earth through you. This purpose is discovered by spending time in His presence”.sing-201027_1920

Our mission as gospel singer is to be faithful and allow the Lord to flow through us; He is hungry for His people to burn once more with holy passion for Him. We are called to lift his name on high and for him to draw souls to himself, and the purpose of our calling can only be achieved through Christ, and without Him one cannot do anything. You need to know what you are called to do for him. The word “gospel” is not meant for entertaining, it is for spiritual issues, Jesus said “Occupy till I come” He did not say entertain till I come, even He Himself did not entertain.
As I said in the part 1 of this article that “Our songs are to convey information to the people, the Information of the love of God, His righteousness, His faithfulness, His justice, His holiness, His wondrous deeds, His power, His Glory, His splendor, His majesty, and His ability to do all things, it is necessary for our songs to speak and communicate the word of God to people. Our songs are not for entertainment but to communicate the word of God, even though entertainment is a basic part of music, as music is the combination of sound that are pleasant to the ear, the word pleasant is actually what entertainment is.

Gospel music brings souls to God not to entertain part 1

You are welcome to this site once more, in this site I will be talking about gospel music and many more insight on this site, how you can maintain your stand before the Lord, what is God expected from you as a gospel musician, choir, band, solo singer, What are the qualities of the instrumentalist (musician) in the house of God, and how God want to use us to His own glory.
Let me start to say that we are called to bring souls back to God through your singing ministry, the scripture says “Well, my brothers, let’s add up what I am saying. When you meet together some will sing, another will teach, or tell some special information God has given him, or speak in an unknown language, or tell what someone else is saying who is speaking in the unknown language, but everything that is done must be useful to all, and build them up in the Lord”. 1 cor 14:26 TLB

The gift of singing you have is for a purpose and that purpose is to be a blessing, for healing, deliverance, for restoring everlasting joy in the life of the people, for salvation. And this gift was given to you by God to bring souls to God and God will ask you how many souls many souls you have won for Him through the gift that was given unto you by God.
In this article we will look at what are GOSPEL, MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT and what goes along with what we are called to do. Let’s start looking at it one after the other.

These are the meaning and what gospel is all about.
The joyous good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. The Greek word translated as gospel means “a reward for bringing good news” or simply “good news.” In Isa 40:9, the prophet proclaimed the “good tidings” that God would rescue His people from captivity.

A word of Anglo-Saxon origin, and meaning “God’s spell”, i.e., word of God, or rather, according to others, “good spell”, i.e., good news. It is the rendering of the Greek evangel ion, i.e., “good message.” It denotes.
The gospel is not a new plan of salvation; it is the fulfillment of God’s plan of salvation, which was begun in Israel, was completed in Jesus Christ, and is made known by the church. The gospel is the saving work of God in His Son Jesus Christ and a call to faith in Him (Rom 1:16-17). Jesus is more than a messenger of the gospel; He is the gospel.

A gospel is more than a biography intended to provide information about a historical character. It is the presentation of the life of Jesus to show His saving significance for all people and to call them to faith in Him.

(1) “The welcome intelligence of salvation to man as preached by our Lord and his followers. The term is often used to express collectively the gospel doctrines; and ‘preaching the gospel’ is often used to include not only the proclaiming of the good tidings, but the teaching men how to avail themselves of the offer of salvation, the declaring of all the truths, precepts, promises, and threatening’s of Christianity.
(2) ” It is termed “the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24),
(3) “the gospel of the kingdom” (Matt 4:23),
(4) “the gospel of Christ” (Rom 1:16),
(5) “the gospel of peace (Eph 6:15),
(6) “the glorious gospel,”
(7) “the everlasting gospel,”
(8) “The gospel of salvation” (Eph 1:13).